Day 17 "Believing In Your Gifts"

Apr 3, 2024    Pastor McCall Dwyer

Welcome back to Leading and Loving Life with Jesus! Today, we're exploring Day 17 of the transformative devotional series, "100 Days of Believing Bigger" by Marshawn Evans Daniels, shared by McCall Dwyer. Join us as we dive into the theme of "Believing in Your Gifts" and embracing the unique abilities and insights that God has bestowed upon you.

Day 17 challenges us to believe in the gifts, insights, and abilities that God has preloaded within us. Each of us is uniquely crafted by God, with a special personality and set of gifts designed for His purposes. As we discover and embrace our gifts, we have the opportunity to further the kingdom of God and fulfill our divine purpose.

Take a moment to reflect on the gifts and abilities that God has blessed you with. Consider how your unique personality and talents can be used to serve others and bring glory to God. How can you cultivate a deeper belief in your gifts and step boldly into using them for the kingdom of God?

As we conclude Day 17 of "100 Days of Believing Bigger," let's commit to believing in our gifts and using them to further the kingdom of God. May we embrace our unique abilities and insights, knowing that we are here on purpose because we have a purpose. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill His divine plan.

Thank you for joining us today on Leading and Loving Life with Jesus. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes as we continue to journey together in faith and purpose. God bless!